Monday, January 19, 2009

Paint and plants

I love all the plants and planters in my yard. But, I realized early on that although it's not terrible, I don't really care for the standard green, white and tan resin planters and chairs and tables that you find at your local hardware stores. So, I decided to paint them, you're already at the hardware store, they sell spray paint, what the heck...I started small...5 resin chairs and 3 tables. We've expanded to include planters now, oh and rocks too. This spring I plan on painting at least 1 item found in the shed to look like a rock. I know, nut-bag ;) I absolutely cannot wait to get outside again full time. But, back to this week-end, I did a little painting, the process is funny, I dangle pots over stakes, or line them up on garbage bags. The goal this week-end was to try and get 3 done. I needed to get some plants transplanted from the holiday's; I had bought a gorgeous center piece for our table, it included a poinsettia, and 4 house plants. But, they were getting weary of being cramped. The best temperature is between 60 and 70 degree's F, but it was barely 50 this week-end, so it took a little longer to go on and dry. Finally tonight, fighting the kittens off, on the kitchen floor, I transplanted them. Just makes me want spring that much more...

oh, we started on a wicker waste basket too, what's old is new again ~


Kaaren said...

I blew up the picture of the plants in the kitchen there, and behind me I hear "Wow!" Isabel likes them. :)