Saturday, November 6, 2010

Veterans Day Parade

Kylie and I went to the Veterans Day Parade downtown today--it's suppose to be the largest west of the Mississippi. It was a little drizzly when we first arrived.
Then we heard the sirens, and thought that maybe we would be able to see the lights of Auburn's finest leading off the parade, instead we saw this...
But then along came Captain America to save the day !!!
His horse drinks cocoa...
There were so many great High School bands and tons of Veterans from all branches of the military, I spent so much time applauding and occasionally wiping away the tears, that I didn't get as many pictures as I wanted, but here's a couple more...

The big drum with the orange K is for Kylie.

This chopper had a hard time turning the corner, we all had to back WAY up.

It was a great parade, all the little kids around us really seemed to enjoy it -- A big Thank You to all of you are, have or will serve in our military.