Saturday, November 6, 2010

Veterans Day Parade

Kylie and I went to the Veterans Day Parade downtown today--it's suppose to be the largest west of the Mississippi. It was a little drizzly when we first arrived.
Then we heard the sirens, and thought that maybe we would be able to see the lights of Auburn's finest leading off the parade, instead we saw this...
But then along came Captain America to save the day !!!
His horse drinks cocoa...
There were so many great High School bands and tons of Veterans from all branches of the military, I spent so much time applauding and occasionally wiping away the tears, that I didn't get as many pictures as I wanted, but here's a couple more...

The big drum with the orange K is for Kylie.

This chopper had a hard time turning the corner, we all had to back WAY up.

It was a great parade, all the little kids around us really seemed to enjoy it -- A big Thank You to all of you are, have or will serve in our military.

Monday, May 10, 2010

Mother's Day in Anacortes

We went to Anacortes for Mother's Day. It was a beautiful day with good food and good company.

Sunday, April 18, 2010

whirly bird

A helicopter just landed in my back-yard !! Well, not exacty my backyard, but not more than 100 or so yards away !! They were having some engine problems ?? A bad mixture (not unlike what I did to weed whacker #1)--We watched while they burned off the plugs and crossed our fingers as they limped their way back to the airport.

kind of cool :)

Saturday, March 6, 2010

Last nice day in March ?

So according to KING5 weather, this is going to be the last nice day for at least a week, maybe more ? So I thought I better try and get something done in the back much to do and so little time :)

I painted a container (I love painting containers :) and planted a rose bush for Kylie. I'm not a big fan of roses, in fact, they are a pita, but she really wanted one, so... she picked out a Chicago Peace they bloom pink and orange.

Of course I had to paint a container to match :)

I thought I really needed to get a start on the mowing too. Unfortunately, weed whacker number 2 (you don't want to know about number 1) just won't work, it keeps feeding way too much string, and whacking my ankles and shins. So I only got a little bit of edging done and even less mowing. My red-neck engineering of superglue and duck tape just won't cut it any more, I have to get a new one next week...
So, I did some edging and a little mowing and decided I really needed to cut some more blackberries back; they are going crazy over the fence. I found out that you really shouldn't use an old resin table as a ladder, when the real thing is just a few feet away (well, I've been told I really shouldn't climb the ladder when no one else is home :) so, I crushed a table, but dang, those blackberries are EVERYWHERE !!! and the yard waste toter is full, again, is time for weekly pick-ups yet !!!!

Of course, earlier in the week, I was lured into thinking the good weather is really here to stay, so I bought some new plants. Of course I planted the rose (which I'll now have to cover next week, (see it's a pita) and 3 new purple plants (in my new non-mowing zone :) love my yard, but it's a LOT to mow :)

Oh well, it's only March :) I have plenty of time to get the yard in tip-top shape before I have to start working on the pool :)

I love working in my yard and listening to the M's who won another Spring Training game~hope that Sweeney actually makes the team, if Jr can Sweeney can !! oh, and get this, I guess Fantasy Football isn't enough, I'm playing Fantasy Baseball too !! Wait, March Madness is just around the corner :) How far will 'Cuse go ??? what was I thinkin' :)

Monday, February 15, 2010

Blowing Bubbles in Anacortes

Dad's birthday is February 12th, so we all got together on Sunday the 14th for cake and well, a LOT of food ;) Mom made chili and had sandwich fixin's and I made a red velvet cake and of course the requisit rice krispy treats; red for valentine's day. Corinne made some really cool oreo treats on a stick, way better looking than my cake wreck.

While there was a break in the weather (come on, it's February still, there were sprinkles).

Then the Birthday Boy cut into the 'wreck' and we ate some more :)

It was a nice day. We missed those that couldn't be there, but we'll see you soon :)


Monday, February 1, 2010

February 1st, the yard battle begins

The morning dawned with the most glorious sunrise, it was fleeting as the fog rolled in, but I got a split second of it.

Next, I had a hearty before battle breakfast of pb&j on wonderful grainy bread. Then the games began...

Sometimes I wonder if I didn't trim them back, if they would just stop growing, or they're like your bangs, the more you trim them, the faster they grow...

And does whacking away at them for an hour or so constitute an arm work-out ?

And even with the best of plans, there are casualties ~

But in the end (LOL, end, really :) part of the battle is done.

Too slimy to get all the way up on the shed roof, that will have to wait a bit. I really want to try and plant one or two vegies this year, between the sheds seems like the best place; but blackberry maintenance is crucial.

I trimmed back some of the containers, can't wait to see what decides to come back. Lot's of work to do, but it's so much fun, and worth it !!

After the containers, I planted some primroses~color is a must, it is after all, only February. A couple of the planters broke during the winter, but they're gonna be great in the flower beds, with an annual of two sprouting out of them.

With tons of vacation to burn this year, I'm gonna really enjoy this spring !!